Pivot and Reinvent Yourself for Personal Freedom in 2 months.

Shift from your false Identity programmed by the Societal Subconscious conditioning and release your Old Generational Patterns, Subconscious blockages and limiting Beliefs using science-backed techniques and ancient self-discovery and energy work methods. Join us for 8 Weeks of Personal Transformation experience

Pivot & Reinvent Yourself for Personal Freedom


Are you experiencing any of these issues at the moment

Listen to your awareness if these issues are recurring then you need to address them now

  • Feeling stuck and not having clear directions about your life
  • Inner self-criticism, negative self-talk and self-judgement make you feel low self-worth
  • Feeling like an imposter and shying away from expressing your true gifts
  • Relationships issues with others.Feeling judged.
  • Finding it hard to manifest your desired life

It's your sign to work on your deep inner saboteurs to attain your Personal Freedom

Let’s break your generational patterns and unlock the mystery behind your mastery.

True personal freedom and change aren't a result of luck. There is something beneath that: It's the Mindset, The Patterns, and The Habits to achieve greatness!

But there is a word of warning! This change is not a one-day or a couple of weeks process. It will test your strength, your inner hidden fears, your belief systems, and everything which you think contributes to your current identity.

To make this shift happen, you need to have a bigger reason, and if you don't want your pains and pressures to create your reality. You need to shift it and the good news is, It is Possible!

I was in the same situation until I made a shift - A shift that was highly rewarding but didn’t just happen overnight. It comes with a lot of ups and downs, sheer hard work, relentless practice, and perseverance. I needed to shed loads to break through my own generational barriers and shift from my old false identity to serve my calling.

Pivot in Your Personal Transformation with our 8 Weeks LIVE Weekly Sessions

Break through your Old Generational Patterns & Limiting Beliefs.What will you gain from this training :

  • Recognizing and Replacing Old Limiting Beliefs that have been holding You back and Create Your Success with empowering beliefs.
  • Breaking Old Habits, Empowering BeliefsUndesired Behaviours and Building New Habits which serve your growth
  • Beating fears and phobias using Science-backed techniques which is not let you progress
  • Gain Control of Your Internal representatives to shift your perceptions and response to experiences.
  • Changing your State of Mind which is holding you back.
  • Shifting negative emotions, limiting beliefs, and Unresolved Conflicts from the Past.
  • Consciously Interrupting the Old Patterns which is not letting you move forward
  • Understanding and building effective communication in your relationships and at work using the science-backed techniques
  • Rewiring Yourself and Embracing the Power of "Authentic You "

Understanding and Building your Intuition to make better decisions about your situations.

Why do you need this class?

You were not born to play small or to live on someone else's path. You were put on this earth to play up to your full potential but along the way, your false identities were created based on societal conditioning, fears, and expectations, improper childhood conditioning, limiting beliefs, and self-sabotaging saboteurs were built to limit your growth and success.

Over the years, without using free will, you have been trying to control and protect those subconscious blockages formed during your foundational years and block your consciousness from flowing freely.

It is only when you become aware of it and use the mechanism to release it that you open up yourself to higher vibrations and personal freedom.

If you are currently facing any of these , You can rewire these issues and attain personal freedom

Recreate the new identity which is in complete alignment with the Law of the universe

  • FROM Struggling with overwhelming emotions, such as anxiety or stress TO -> Feeling emotionally resilient
  • FROM Having Resistance to change which can prevent you from embracing new opportunities TO --> breaking through your full potential
  • FROM Procrastinating to finish the most important task to going all in releasing your fear of success
  • FROM Feeling low worthy due to Past traumatic experiences or limiting beliefs TO --> Stepping into an empowered version of You
  • FROM feeling low confidence in effective communication TO --> Building rapport in your personal and professional success.
  • FROM feeling less motivated to--> Achieving energized and motivated
  • FROM Having inner conflicts TO--> effective decision maker and an action taker
  • FROM Being trapped in negative thinking patterns, such as self-doubt or pessimism, which limits your potential and hinders your progress TO --> creating new patterns of positive perspectives

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